No greater JOY! 4 weeks old.

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Miss Eden Rose is 4 weeks old today.  It is so hard to believe.  I have gotten so caught up in this new season of life and feel like I have had little time to write.  I want to be more intentional about it…for her.  To document these early days of her precious life.  But for now, I am just going to post a few pictures.

My husband and I took these pictures of her during her first week of life.  We opted not to go to a newborn photographer and decided to attempt to take pictures of our own.  We spent about $100 on props and invested in a special lens for our camera, figuring it would pay off over the long haul.  I am extremely pleased with how they turned out and am so happy we saved hundreds of dollars in the process.

P.S. I watermarked them as I have read stories of other bloggers pictures being stolen.   The first picture was taken at 1 week and the second was taken at 5 days old.  I’m really looking forward to her 1 month photos coming up in a few days.

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